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The Pixelbot 3000 turns simple AI prompts into Lego mosaic masterpieces

A plotter made from Lego is assembling pixel art.
This Lego-built printer can save you the hassle of painstakingly creating your own Lego pixel art. | Screenshot: YouTube

A devoted YouTuber has designed and built a Lego printer that can automate the process of assembling elaborate brick-built mosaics, similar to Lego’s art sets like da Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Hokusai’s The Great Wave. But while the creation draws inspiration from another Lego printer called the Bricasso, it streamlines the process using AI.

Although technically impressive when it debuted eight years ago, Jason Allemann’s Bricasso required a complicated process where mosaic designs had to be manually created, printed on paper, and then scanned by the machine’s camera. The YouTube channel Creative Mindstorms used some custom code and AI, so generating a Lego mosaic requires one simple input.

With the Pixelbot 3000, users simply have to type in…

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