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Mattel is making games like Uno more accessible for colorblind players

Examples illustrating the colorblind accessibility changes Mattel has made to three of its games.
Blokus, Tumblin’ Monkeys, and Uno are just three of the games Mattel is making colorblind accessible. | Image: Mattel

In an effort to make its games accessible to a wider audience and “create more inclusive play experiences,” Mattel has announced that 80 percent of its gaming portfolio — including iconic titles like Uno — will be made accessible for those with a color vision deficiency by the end of the year, with a push to 90 percent by the end of 2025, as spotted by Polygon.

For Uno and its many variants, the four colors used in the game will be distinguished by simple symbols added to each card: a circle for red, a square for blue, a triangle for green, and a star for yellow. For Blokus, a game that has players arranging Tetris-like shapes on a game board, each color will be distinguished by a unique three-dimensional pattern added to the plastic…

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